Brazil and Europe Union increase relationships in cultural heritage area

07-04-2011 17:20

    “Such opportune moment to increase the technical exchange in the heritage area” this way the assessor from the International Relations of Institute of Historic and National Artistic Heritage – Iphan, Marcelo Brito, evaluates the visit of the Commissioner of European Union for the Education and Culture,. Androulla Vassiliou that was with the minister of Culture Ana de Holanda and other assessors, the visit opens perspectives for the establishment of a dialogue in the camp of the culture and especially in the cultural heritage aiming the accumulated experience of the Iphan in more than 70 years acting in the country.

    The meeting in the Ministry of the Culture defined some exchange lines. The camp of cultural heritage was listed the exchange of experiences about good practices in the relation between heritage, tourism and development; of rehabilitation of private realty in historic centes; the socialization of archaeological sites; the realization of workshops about regional politics for the cultural heritage considering the experience of European Union and Mercosul; the cultural landscape considering the visions and applying from this concept in the Europe and Brazil; and the Brazilian and European experiences in the strategies of immaterial heritage preservation and the effectiveness of its management. The Iphan purpose also the production of a together publication with contributions and reflections due to what this initiative may produce specially about the purposed workshops and suggested technical visits to the European sites from the World Heritage. According to the Marcelo Brito this implies in recognize referentials of excellence in the area this way propitiating the exchange of information for the increasing of the institutional practices of the Iphan.

    The Commissioner of Europe Union for the Education and Culture, Androulla Vassiliou, suggested as opportune the Brazilian assistance to the giving of Nostra Europe Prize (, initiative that highlights experiences developed in the cultural heritage area produced in Europe and that will happen in July of this year, in Amsterdan, Netherlands, during the Congress 2011 of European Cultural Heritage.

Source: Arin – Assessoria de Relações Internacionais / Ascom

Source: Portal IPHAN

More information in Ministry of Culture


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