Yesterday I had the satisfaction of participating at the Roundtable “Museums: Proximity Places and Memory Spaces”, together with my colleagues Prof. Mario Moutinho/Portugal and Prof. Hamilton Fernandes/Cape Verde.
I would like to thank Prof. Luiz Oosterbeek, table organizer, for the...
Yesterday the XIX World Congress of the UISPP began, and we already had the first session organized by the Scientific Commission "Archaeological Heritage Policies and Management Structures", which I preside.
The session, focused on conservation of Archaeological Sites and Cultural Landscapes, was...
In early April BRIDGES Global Coalition was officially approved as a UNESCO MOST Global Sustainability Science Coalition. It was a long and auspicious journey, with several meetings and workshops between 2019-2020 that brought together experts from different institutions and countries...
As a result of the online event “Heritage and cultural exchange routes - to debate, preserve and enhance”, which took place on the 14th and 15th of April organized by Instituto Terra e Memória / Portugal, a document was prepared summarizing points regarding the relevance, diversity, and...
A DOCUMENTO THINK TANK atua na busca contínua de inovação e boas práticas em inteligência estratégica, para aplicação em projetos de Meio Ambiente Cultural.
O Instituto tem a Cultura como principal vetor na prática dos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável da Agenda 2030 da ONU.
A DOCUMENTO THINK TANK atua na busca contínua de inovação e boas práticas em inteligência estratégica, para aplicação em projetos de Meio Ambiente Cultural.
O Instituto tem a Cultura como principal vetor na prática dos Objetivos de Desenvolvimento Sustentável da Agenda 2030 da...
The third workshop of BRIDGES took place at the Sigtuna Foundation/Sweden, between the 5th and the 7th of October.
This event established the programmatic and procedural foundation for BRIDGES as an international coalition for action in Sustainability Science, as part of the UNESCO...
The Executive Committee of UISPP (Union Internationale des Sciences Préhistoriques et Protohistoriques) met at the West University of Timisoara, Romania, between the last 27th and 28th of September.
During this annual meeting was specially analyzed...
On October 24 will be the launch of the new chair of UNESCO at the Polytechnic Institute of Tomar / Portugal.
The Chair, entitled “Humanities and Cultural Integrated Landscape Management”, has as its main goal foster research and its application on the Humanities specific...
La perception des paysages culturels:
les recherches géophysiques et l'engagement social à Bordeaux, France
Le projet archéologique actuellement en développement au sein des communes françaises de Tusson et Fontenille a mis en œuvre, cette année de 2018, une nouvelle campagne de cartographie...