The Executive Committee of UISPP (Union Internationale des Sciences Préhistoriques et Protohistoriques) met at the West University of Timisoara, Romania, between the last 27th and 28th of September.
During this annual meeting was specially analyzed the progress of the next World Congress, that will occur in Meknès/Morocco, in September 2020. Timisoara will host the World Congress in September 2023.
The next steps of UISPP were also discussed. The presidents of the Scientific Commissions presented a synthesis of their work and a reflection about the trends of future research. I presented the contributions of the Commission “Archaeological Heritage Policies and Management Structures”, focused on the straightening of collaboration between the research projects developed by our members all around the world.
The state of progress of the UISPP project “Prehistoric and Protohistoric Societies facing Climate Change” was also analyzed, as well as new data presentation formats. As representative and vice-president of UISPP, I also discussed this project by the 3rd BRIDGES/UNESCO Meeting, that occurred in Sigtuna/Sweden between the 5th and 7th of October.
To learn more:
DOCUMENTO Patrimônio Cultural - Arqueologia Antropologia