Course of Contemporary Critical Thinking: Some Representants

23-03-2011 09:24

   Between April 4 and June 6 2011 will happen in FLUP – Faculty of Letters of University of do Porto, city of Porto, Portugal, e in the Lisbon zone (Sacavém) in April 5 the Course of Contemporary Critical Thinking: Some Representants.

   Will have 8 sessions each one having three hours of duration. The authors to be discussed will be: Jacques Lacan, Michel Foucault, Jacques Derrida, Judith Butler, Giorgio Agamben, SlavojZizek, Jean Baudrillard, Jean-François Lyotard

   Resume of the Course: 
   “Contemporary Critical Thinking” is just a expression to include a group of authors that are not in a “philosophy academic” line but having this competence as a base they use or used it for a more ambitious and attractive construction: how to think the world in a different way , distant, critically, in a way that the thinking is not erudition but the shudder of life and the desire of we being fulfilled and happy, the promotion of happiness and “revolution” in our daily life even in the simple acts we do. A thinking that makes us understands how we reinforce the ideology that suffocates us in every simple act, in every most deep desire.

   This thinking is forcibly multidisciplinary; that “contemporary” is synonymous of concern that makes possible the improvisation and to the event: to the unexpected.


Presentation of the Course Instructor

Prof. Vitor Oliveira Jorge

   He was born in Lisbon in 1948, he degree in History in 1972 at FLUP, he stayed in Universidade de Luanda for a while (1973-74), he is doctorate in Archaeology in 1982 at FLUP and there he made the aggregation test in 1989. Archaeologist, studious of questions about “politics” of heritage (as a symptom of our age), poetry, essayist, he is a university professor since 1973 and cathedratic professor of the Universidade do Porto since 1990. He has been done many meetings and conferences about interdisciplinary themes and it always motivate him.


   In this course he will try not to impart “knowledge” but he prefers to communicate his own “thirst for knowledge” and the experiences of his learning always in becoming, in vast matters that aims mainly to stimulate the reading of some authors and dialogue about all the questions with some light few frequent in our country and above all in our environment full of academicism. More than present himself as a professor, wise isolated and thirst of knowledge he wishes to be the student, incomplete, following and dialoguing: the challenger of yourself and of the other one.

   Entire libraries (including posthumous work from the deceased ones that keep on being edited) and that dominate the English I advice the little collection of Routledge (London), “Critical Thinkers” in which there is one volume about each author.

   For more information click here.


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